I met a friend and former colleague the other day. She asked me what reaction I had got to my last blog post and email I sent out to my followers. The reason she asked was that someone had come to her and expressed her dislike. That person did not know how to react to my email, whose subject was: "No one wants to be an ass, do they, ...?" It was clear that this person was offended by this. My friend did ask them whether they had actually read the email, and it turns out that they did not, so there was no way they were going to get the joke - oh well... My reaction: Sheer joy! I thought … [Read more...]
Get Your Customers to Get You Even More Business!
We all know that it's great when our customers are happy and spread the word, as I have discussed in other posts. However, we tend to just cross our fingers and hope for the best, rather than taking matters into our own hands to increase the chances of them referring more business to us. What, if anything, can we do? Be Great! You have to be worth people telling others about you. People will not refer others to boring businesses, or "just ok" businesses. They will however recommend businesses they think is great. So to start off with, you have to have a great product or service, but you also … [Read more...]
Pissar þú í skóinn?
Ég er alsæl að bjóða velkominn gestabloggara á MáM bloggið. Þetta hefur staðið til lengi, en það er jú staðreynd að duglegt fólk sem hefur eitthvað að segja hefur líka mikið að gera og því hefur tekið sinn tíma að koma þessu af stað. Vonandi verður þetta bara fyrsti af mörgum skemmtilegum, áhugaverðum og gagnlegum gestabloggum. Í dag bloggar hún Halla Kolbeinsdóttir, viðskiptastjóri hjá Hugsmiðjunni, en við Halla kynntumst haustið 2012 þegar ég vann með Hugsmiðjunni í markaðsstefnunni þeirra. Síðan þá hafa þau bara verið að rokka sífellt feitar og feitar (bókstaflega - það er fullt af … [Read more...]
Should you still be marketing on Facebook?
Are you marketing on Facebook? If you are, you have probably noticed that your Facebook posts are not reaching as many people as they used to - or what? Many people have been noticing this for a while now, and it isn't just that people have been using Facebook less over the holidays or something like that and therefore not seeing what you are posting. Facebook have simply come out and said that businesses can no longer rely on getting free exposure through their Facebook pages, and they recommend that businesses buy advertising. This shouldn't really be a surprise to anyone. A: They are … [Read more...]
Þýðir eitthvað að vera að markaðssetja á Facebook lengur?
Ertu að markaðssetja á Facebook? Ef svo er, þá hefurðu væntanlega tekið eftir því þegar þú horfir á tölurnar fyrir Facebook síðuna þína að póstarnir þínir eru að ná til sífellt færra fólks - eða hvað? Það hafa margir verið að taka eftir þessu núna í nokkurn tíma - og nei, það er ekki bara það að fólk hafi verið minna á Facebook í kringum hátíðarnar og sjái þess vegna minna af því sem þú póstar. Facebook hefur sagt það bara hreint út að nú sé ekki lengur hægt að treysta á að ná til fólks frítt í gegnum Facebook síður og mæla með því að nota keyptar auglýsingar. Þetta ætti sosum ekki að … [Read more...]
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