In a previous blog post we have established that you can’t ignore your business competition. But putting them under the microscope once and then just leaving it is not enough. Things change and develop very fast in today’s world, so you always need to keep your finger on the pulse. Analysis of the business competition varies greatly between businesses and markets but there are always basic things to consider such as: … [Read more...]
Getting found on Google – 5 things to keep in mind
If I had a dollar, pound or euro for each time someone asks me how one goes about getting found on Google, well, I would at least have one nice free lunch each week :) Search Engine Optimization - making your website, and other online information about you - visible on Google and other search engines (apparently there are others, like Bing and Yahoo ;) This used to be the realm of the techies. It was all about keyword analysis, meta data, robot txt, link building and all those fun things. Many of those things are still valid, but many are not and its impact is constantly diminishing. … [Read more...]
Það var þetta með að finnast á Google – 5 atriði
Ef ég ætti 100 kall fyrir hvert skipti sem ég er spurð hvernig maður á að finnast efst á Google, þá ætti ég a.m.k. fyrir fríum hádegisverði einu sinni í viku :) Leitarvélabestun - eða það að gera vefsíðuna þína og annað um þig á netinu þannig úr garði að það finnst sem best á Google og öðrum leitarvélum (já, það er víst til Bing og Yahoo o.fl. líka ;) - var alltaf frekar mikið tækninördamál. Þetta snérist allt um lykilorðagreiningu, meta data, robot txt, hlekkjasöfnun og allskonar svona skemmtilegheit. Margt af þessu er enn alveg gott og gilt en margt ekki og vægi þess er stöðugt að minnka. … [Read more...]
One bite at a time!
Today has been a bit of a bummer. Things are getting really hectic after the summer holidays, my to-do list is about a mile long, I am blogging way too late and sending the blog out, well, God knows when! What now? … [Read more...]
Content Marketing: Are You Giving Them What They Want?
Marketing is changing. It has changed a lot since the start of the 21st century. With the internet, social media, mobile etc. marketing is less and less about one-sided broadcasting of marketing messages, like we know from traditional media like TV, print and radio, and more and more about pulling people in - attracting them. Marketing is becoming less about grabbing people and more about being there when people are looking for what you have to offer, or anything related to it. Marketing is less about pushing things on to people and more about pulling people in. The marketing jargon … [Read more...]