In the wast space of the internet, there are endless amounts of websites, blogs, so-called gurus and know-it-alls - hey, you could say I am one of them! :D There is information and content everywhere and it is easy to get overwhelmed and try to take it all in - which can only end in disaster. Although my focus is on marketing strategy and branding, I want to have a very good idea of all aspects of marketing. This is no easy task. Throughout the years I have subscribed to hundreds of email lists, put hundreds if not thousands of blogs into my Feedly (or my Google Reader back in the day … [Read more...]
Butterflies On The Way To The Top!
The plan was to write a really deep blog post today, but you know, I can hardly work with all these butterflies flying around in my tummy! Why? Because today I am launching my new book! It's amazing how terrified one can get about showing the world what you have to offer. But you know, I've decided to say: "to hell with it!" Those that like the book will like it, those that don't won't. And that's just fine. Because you can't be all things to all people. Some people are going to love it and get a lot out of it, others will have other opinions. It's good to remember what Don Miguel Ruiz … [Read more...]
Owning or Renting Your Marketing
Those that have been following me for a while might accuse me of being anti-advertising. So I want to address that today. I am not against advertising, per se. However, I want to make sure that businesses are always using the marketing activities most suited to themselves, their market and their brand, and activities that give them the best return on investment (hmmmm very much a business phrase! :) - and activities that can be measured to show that they are really delivering results and that all important ROI. Unfortunately, many of us just throw adverts out there and don't think … [Read more...]