One hour. 60 minutes. 3600 seconds. That's one session at the gym. That is one TV show (with loads of ads). That's one massage session – and not nearly enough! You can't really do that much in an hour. Do you sell your time? Whether as a consultant, trainer, masseuse, teacher or whatever. Does it all work out? Do you buy an hour from someone? How much do you get out of that hour? For a long time people have sold their time. When you get paid overtime you are getting paid by the hour. You get an x amount for your usual hours and y per hour above and beyond that. And if you have an … [Read more...]
Blah blah bla bites, blah RAM, blah blah MHz blah… – Talk Like A Human!
What do you mean you don't get it? Really?! There are actually a lot of people out there who think a lot of other people get it and can't understand why there are not lots of people lining up to buy from them! :) A few local IT companies have approached me about their marketing. These are smaller players in the market, offer various IT services and often also sell hardware. Most of these don't sell a lot to IT specialists. Their main customers are individuals and small and medium sized businesses who don't have an IT person, or if they have one, they are general IT managers who have a good … [Read more...]