Very often when consulting or teaching, I find that the concept of marketing is unclear in many people's minds. Not surprising. We marketers don't really do a lot of marketing for ourselves. So I put together this little slidedeck for my peeps just to make sure we are all on the same page - and to help erase the image of us marketers as merely advertising people or used car salesmen ;) What is marketing from Thoranna Jonsdottir … [Read more...]
I’d like to teach the world to… do marketing ;)
We are getting to that time of year when I need to see one of my favourite adverts of all time. You remember it. That Coca-Cola ad with all the people on the hilltop singing about how they'd like to teach the world to sing in perfect harmony :) I love that ad. To me, once I see that ad, then the holidays are coming. I'm a singer (bet you didn't know that - who knows, I might give you a little sample sometime lol ;) ... but I'm not attempting to teach the world to sing - there are plenty of good people out there doing that ;) I do want to teach the world about marketing though. … [Read more...]
There were some sharp entrepreneurs sharpening their game even further on Saturday!
The SMALL BUSINESS BRANDING day was held for the first time at a beautiful and unique location, the Blue Lagoon in Iceland. The BRANDit production was organized by its two founders; Bjarney Ludviksdottir, international director and producer, and Runa Magnus, the international branding lecturer, and author of the upcoming book “Branding Your X-Factor”. This special day was dedicated to small business owners and their executive team, and designed to give them insights into the 8 steps to sharpen their success with high-performance strategies from 8 leading European business and branding … [Read more...]