One of the things I keep telling people, that need to market their product or services, is to be different, be special, be interesting, be something that matters to people. I think one should always aim for making a certain group of people love your business, product or service. Some think I am crazy ;) But you know, I am not. Mom always said to me, "if a job is worth doing, it is worth doing well". Your business, product or service is not a small part of your life that you can just plod along with. If you have your own business, don't you want to do the best you possibly can with it? Get … [Read more...]
7 Superhero Lessons in Branding
I have a little boy. Like many boys, he is a guys-guy and loves each and every superhero he can find. Sometimes I worry that he will become like the characters in Big Bang Theory - which I can live with as long has he is like Leonard and not the others lol! Anyway, I know more about superheroes than a woman my age normally would, although I don't know all that much. The other day, however, I realised something: Superheroes are awesome at branding! Sure, they get help from the marketing geniuses behind the scenes, but still - awesome! Here are 7 things that superheroes totally get right when … [Read more...]
Be a Peacock!
Most, if not all, of us have at some point or another known the feeling of rationally knowing something, but then at some point having it really hit home. Get it. Understand it fully and take it to heart. This happened to me in the past few days. Despite constantly reminding my clients and you, my dear reader, to be brave, to be different, to stand out from the crowd, encourage you to matter and mean something to someone, I realised that I myself have been hiding. I have been hiding a part of me as it if were the most terrible secret... We get so preoccupied with giving the customer what … [Read more...]