Today has been a bit of a bummer. Things are getting really hectic after the summer holidays, my to-do list is about a mile long, I am blogging way too late and sending the blog out, well, God knows when! What now? … [Read more...]
What happens in an hour?
One hour. 60 minutes. 3600 seconds. That's one session at the gym. That is one TV show (with loads of ads). That's one massage session – and not nearly enough! You can't really do that much in an hour. Do you sell your time? Whether as a consultant, trainer, masseuse, teacher or whatever. Does it all work out? Do you buy an hour from someone? How much do you get out of that hour? For a long time people have sold their time. When you get paid overtime you are getting paid by the hour. You get an x amount for your usual hours and y per hour above and beyond that. And if you have an … [Read more...]