Very often when consulting or teaching, I find that the concept of marketing is unclear in many people's minds. Not surprising. We marketers don't really do a lot of marketing for ourselves. So I put together this little slidedeck for my peeps just to make sure we are all on the same page - and to help erase the image of us marketers as merely advertising people or used car salesmen ;) What is marketing from Thoranna Jonsdottir … [Read more...]
Branding: What Is Your Brand?
There is one important aspect of your marketing that you always have, whether you are aware of it or not, whether you consciously create and manage it or not and whether you care or not. You always have a brand. You may want to check out this blog post on what a brand or branding is, but basically a brand is is everything that comes into people’s minds and all the emotions that are evoked when they come across an entity, whether the entity be a company, product, service or person. There is always a brand, because the mere mention of the entity will always conjure some thoughts and emotions … [Read more...]
Why You Need To Analyze Your Business Competition
Recently I met with the CEO of a promising Icelandic startup company. When I asked him how their competitors did things, he said he didn’t care that much about their business competitors, he just wanted to focus on what they themselves were doing. I get it. Don’t get sucked into focusing too much on the other guys. However, here’s the problem: In your marketing, you are trying to convince people to buy from you rather than someone else. … [Read more...]