Your brand is the most powerful part of your marketing. In previous posts I have talked about what a brand is and that we always have a brand, whether we mean to or not. I have also talked about how you need to find out what your brand is before you can start to shape it into what you want it to be. The question then is, what do you want your brand to be? Everywhere we go these days people are talking about thinking outside of the box. I could not agree more. The world is full with people in boxes and it doesn’t do us any good. However, when it comes to branding, you do need to think about … [Read more...]
Branding: What Is Your Brand?
There is one important aspect of your marketing that you always have, whether you are aware of it or not, whether you consciously create and manage it or not and whether you care or not. You always have a brand. You may want to check out this blog post on what a brand or branding is, but basically a brand is is everything that comes into people’s minds and all the emotions that are evoked when they come across an entity, whether the entity be a company, product, service or person. There is always a brand, because the mere mention of the entity will always conjure some thoughts and emotions … [Read more...]
What Is A Brand?
Many times, when talking to entrepreneurs and small business owners, I find that there is confusion about the concept of brand and branding. Not surprisingly. It is one of these things that the branding experts have managed to shroud in mystery and fill with jargon charging gazillions for development of brand strategy, brand associations, brand equity and other such fancy sounding things. It is also one of these things that people tend to associate with big business and global corporations. The Nikes, Apples and Googles of this world. But I am going to let the cat out of the bag and tell … [Read more...]