The plan was to write a really deep blog post today, but you know, I can hardly work with all these butterflies flying around in my tummy! Why? Because today I am launching my new book!
It’s amazing how terrified one can get about showing the world what you have to offer. But you know, I’ve decided to say: “to hell with it!” Those that like the book will like it, those that don’t won’t. And that’s just fine. Because you can’t be all things to all people. Some people are going to love it and get a lot out of it, others will have other opinions.
It’s good to remember what Don Miguel Ruiz wrote in his book “The Four Agreements”. By the way, I highly recommend you reading it (and thanks to my friend Thorunn for recommending it to me :) : “Don’t take anything personally”. What people think, say or do is never really about other people, it is about themselves. People will view and judge things based on their own reality, their experiences and no one else’s, and that’s simply something you can’t waste time and effort thinking about. If people don’t like what I do, that’s their problem and not mine.
Another good phrase I remind myself of every now and then is “When everyone around you is an asshole, take a good hard look at yourself”. Sometimes I catch myself thinking less than good thoughts about someone – we probably all do it at some time – but I am getting pretty good at stopping myself and thinking “why am I thinking this?” And without exception, the reason has nothing to do with that other person, and everything to do with me. Me and my insecurities. And I have a feeling this applies to most of us.
A good friend of mine once told me that the biggest fear of successful people was to stand alone at the top. To dare to excel. To leave behind others that don’t aim as high. I would like to believe that we celebrate those who aim high and get to the top. I for one am incredibly proud of many of my friends, family and clients, who have and continue to achieve great results in their endeavours. Here are just a few examples:
My friend Eyrun with her business RoRo who is now doing a crowdfunding campaign on Indiegogo to fund production of her Lulla doll. She’s doing great, but only needs a little bit more to reach her goal (check her out and support her here). Great person with a great product which will change the lives of so many families in the future.
My friend Runa, who published her first book earlier this autumn, Branding Your X-Factor, and is now jetsetting around the world, working with presidents, and meeting with top executives at some of the worlds largest corporations. Runa is one of those people who will bring everyone around her with her to the next level, and will support you all the way to the top!
Rakel Solvadottir, entrepreneur and innovator in the field of teaching children and teenagers to code. What she is doing in Iceland with Skema and with reKode in the US is amazing and it is an honour and a privilege to get to watch and experience it first hand.
I could continue to list fantastic individuals who are doing incredible things, but this post is already quite long and quite personal ;)
Let’s celebrate those that aim high and reach for the top. Those are the people that can make this world a better place.
I totally admit that I want to get to the top. I want to have a good life working with people who are passionate about what they do and want to build exciting and interesting businesses that make a difference. I want to write books, have seminars, do more public speaking and hold workshops all over the world, and this book that is being published today is a part of the road to get there. I hope that many people will celebrate the initiative, grab a copy and enjoy. You can even get it free on Amazon Kindle for a limited time – and you can get a free Kindle app for most devices. You will find all the information you need here:
P.S. Right now you may be asking yourself: “What on earth has all this got to do with marketing?” – well, this was partly just me having a personal moment to express myself on a day where I am having trouble focusing because of excitement, but you know, this does actually have a lot to do with marketing. The businesses that get results, and get results in their marketing efforts, are the businesses that are unafraid to stand out, reach for the top and stand for something. Bravery is a strong marketing weapon, so if you think about it, this blog post is actually spot on for marketing ;)
May you reach the top you want to reach – and if I can help you in any away, that’s great!