One hour. 60 minutes. 3600 seconds. That’s one session at the gym. That is one TV show (with loads of ads). That’s one massage session – and not nearly enough! You can’t really do that much in an hour. Do you sell your time? Whether as a consultant, trainer, masseuse, teacher or whatever. Does it all work out? Do you buy an hour from someone? How much do you get out of that hour?
This also means you can help so many more people. There are really no limits to how many can buy a book, a DVD or go to a website. It does not matter where people are or at what time they can make it. It also enables people that cannot afford to buy time with you to buy your service in another and more affordable way. You can sell to more people in an easier way and give them a better deal. More people can afford it and all this means you can spread your message further.When I started my own business it was one-on-one hourly coaching sessions. I could not take on everyone that was interested, and there were also many who wanted my services but could not afford them. Even though I priced myself very competitively, taxes and things like that meant that my prices simply could only be so competitive (the tax man takes a lot here in Iceland). That way of working also meant travelling to and from meetings, and all the time and effort that takes. Very soon after I started working this way, I also realised that I kept saying the same things again and again, so gradually I started to make training materials that I gave my clients to go over between sessions. This meant that our time together was much more useful and both of us got a lot more out of it because we were no longer just going through the basics. Eventually I totally turned it around – this is becoming known in the education sector as “flipped teaching” – and set up my training materials online so that when, and if, my clients want a session with me, that session does so much more for them than cover the basics. We can dig deeper and tackle problems that are specific to my client’s business.
Very often I get asked whether people can buy just an hour or two of my time. The answer is simple: “No, I’m sorry, I don’t do that any more”. Why? Simple reason. If I don’t know your target group, your competition and how you want to be perceived in the market (your brand) – those are the basics – I can’t really give you any advice of use. I would be guessing. If you are really clear on all this, it will still take at least half that hour to communicate that to me – and that is if you are really really clear – and it is my experience that usually these things, the foundation, is exactly what is missing in my clients’ marketing.
I have said it before, and I will say it again, it does not matter how well you know Facebook technically or Google AdWords or any other marketing tactics, if the foundations are not properly laid, it won’t really do much for you. OK, this leaves half an hour of our time. It is highly unlikely that, in half an hour, I can give you any really valuable advice and explain things to you properly. You go away unhappy and I am unhappy because I could not help you properly … oh well :)
Anyhoooo… my point with all this is that I took what I do and packaged it into, among other things, online training. This way I can sell my service even if I am not always there, the client gets much more bang for his buck, and everybody is happier.
How can you package your service so that you and your clients get more? I would love to hear from you :)